"Honestly, without speaking of what I owe you, I feel friendship for

His physical strength and agility during the first days of his

"The doctor says that he is not in danger," said the countess, but as

must love, and we must believe that we live not only today on this scrap

secretly married (as Pierre knew), and should be so in love with him as

Charles I are executed by their people? To this question historians

in the world, it seemed to him, depended entirely on his will.

cunning way, are ready to render any sort of service to their master,

return to Petersburg from abroad.

whispered, "straight to the Lyadov uplands."

seen her ecstasy, and how he caught it for having stayed away so long.

nowhere else for the family to talk but here at the ball. She did not

Still smiling, she gracefully moved away, turning and glancing at her

"Have you sought for means of attaining your aim in religion?"

me alone with him!"

petty worldliness hiding itself in misty distance had seemed to him

Anna Mikhaylovna, who often visited the Karagins, while playing cards

"What?" said Kutuzov, in the midst of Denisov's explanations, "are you

gentlemen" as he called them. He had ruined more than one horse in their

understood differently, yet looking at Sonya she agreed with Natasha's

The princess was apparently vexed at not having anyone to be angry with.

removed, this was only done on the demand of officials to whom the count

little girl.

write in those idiotic broadsheets that anyone, 'whoever it might be,

the Emperor was. One could see that he wished to pass through the rooms

coward like Arakcheev, he was as precise, as cruel, and as unable to

Princess Mary and Natasha, who did not leave him, felt this. They did

intelligent men for his car and send a courier to General Kutuzov to let

angrily, and through the ominous silence and the regular tramp of feet

last, and, having assured himself that they had not, he turned to his

"Who? Kutuzov?" asked Rostov.

to win him to his side, showed off his dispassionate calm reasonableness

These puffs of smoke and (strange to say) the sound of the firing

gates and began pitching their camp in the Senate Square. Out of the

his habit, and crowded Rostov in the narrow shanty. Rostov looked at him

Natasha softly closed the door and went with Sonya to the window, not

pair of handsome silk-embroidered braces that, for some reason,

and a Swiss who had formerly been tutor at the Kuragins'. All maintained

I want to weep for joy."

always remain the same backs and foreheads."

Prince Andrew's regiment, had joined him in Moscow and was being taken

a peculiarly threatening character to everything, amid this vortex of

"Where are you off to so early?" asked Speranski.

his shoulder.

"Well, that is hardly a sufficient reason, Mamma..."

and in what month?' He asked all about it and his heart began to ache.

imagination, and "the bird restored to its native fields" galloped to

speaking of him and of the year 1812 they always seem a little ashamed.

Italian, oblivious of decorum, followed him and continued to speak.

"And I!"--She turned away for an instant. "Why too much?" she asked.

As at Tilsit Rostov had not allowed himself to doubt that what everybody

indistinct words, shrugging his shoulders and gesticulating.


During the whole of their march from Moscow no fresh orders had been

come up to him.

no getting them together. The army should push on before the rest bolt,

"When are you starting?" he asked.

glass, "or I won't let you go!"

Rostov, rubbing his eyes that seemed glued together, raised his

wealth of Moscow and the strength of its plunderers was destroyed. But

and now soaring up with glittering sparks, with here and there dense


"It's awful! Oh, it's awful! awful!" Natasha suddenly cried, and again

"Well, sit down, sit down here. Let's have a talk," said Kutuzov. "It's

think that I cannot know it; so I do not try to know it and I talk about

not stiffen while open, and with another handkerchief tied together the

in a most masterly way. The whole army feels great suspicion of the

English Club, sprees with Denisov, and visits to a certain house--that

"Qu'on m'amene les boyars," * said he to his suite.

What's he to do if he has such luck?... And it's not my fault either,"

scoundrel, but our ladies crawl after him on their knees. I went to a

In the deathlike stillness only the tramp of horses was heard. This was

listening to the sounds and looking in silence at the people.

"Yes, that's a difficulty, as education is not at all general, but..."

the beginning of any event--the position from which we always

Bondarchuk, an hussar he knew, jolted against him and looked angrily at

his voice, said to Pierre, as though continuing an interrupted

money for food; the man said an officer had once given him a thrashing

yet understanding what the latter was telling her.

surmises concerning their collective activity.

but she looked straight into his handsome face as it came near to her

to the deceased filled the house rented by the Rostovs. All these

applying her handkerchief to her eyes. At last she rang.

hinder me," said he. "It will only make things worse..."

enjoyed the favors of a very important personage, acquaintance with all

"Ah, my dear! He is so rich, and we are so poor!"

"Well, good-by!" said Prince Andrew, bending over to Alpatych. "You must

dressed alike, in new pale-blue frocks, and were both fresh, rosy, and

suddenly changed to one of horror. The French were supposed to be a mile

As she named the Empress, Anna Pavlovna's face suddenly assumed an

handing him several papers, "make a neat memorandum in French out of all

the same way toward Karataev.

Pierre looked at Timokhin with the condescendingly interrogative smile

"The servants say he is still the same."

to behave with her. The evening before, in the first happy moment of

"Yes, yes."

agitation whether going into action now, with a single division, would

Napoleon at a review, evoked in him a desire to punish the Russians

incomprehensible, supernatural force--a miracle--one cannot admit that

incendiaries the rest of Moscow burned down.

allured him. "A splendid wife, children, a good pack of hounds, a dozen

stepped to the middle of the room and stood still.

Rostov looked at the tipsy peasants and smiled.

the lodge and was about to dash into that part of it which was still

special sense they attached to it.) "Why does she bother me?" And she

Princess Mary as she sat listening to the old men's talk and

keeping--Your friend Helene.

society, more especially of the feminine society, in which I have had

going. The Emperor was wounded, the battle lost. It was impossible to

"O God, O God! What does it mean?" she suddenly exclaimed. "To bed then,

had already been approved. As soon as Prince Andrew began to demonstrate

say. But Natasha was not satisfied with her own words: she felt that

point of view.

here, and there's nobody living in it."

Though Pierre, Natasha, Nicholas, Countess Mary, and Denisov had much to


great things and blasphemies," the same number 666 was obtained; from